Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Russia- big, bad, not yet powerful

The Russian government feels as if the US is keeping them at bay by establishing many anti-war units around their borders and most importantly, an anti-missile defense unit. While Russia is twice the size of the United States and probably has much better relations with other countries because of their natural gas supply, they lack the population and man-power that the United States boasts. For any country, this would seem like a bad thing; it's not the size of your army, but how you use it.

Russia is concerned that an arms race will begin and that they will see an increased need to update their own missile defense systems. While this could never be a bad thing, the need to be on top of your weaponry has never been more prominent than in the age of nuclear warfare. It's interesting to think back upon the days of the atomic bomb and how much up rise there was over that, and then to look at the capabilities of weapons today. It blows the atomic bomb out of the water, quite literally.

As the article we read on a New Russia states, a "managed democracy established by Putin--based on firm control of all primary levers of power and influence, including the internal security forces, mass media and expanded state monopolies--can survive only by evolving from its current cult of personality." Thus, to continue progress the country must also continue in corruption.

The biggest issue with the Putin/Medvedev power is that the presidency could be losing support from the people. It would seem as if one person is being able to manipulate the entire government, just like what the US is supposedly doing to the world... After a while, little faith may be left in the government and internal wars may arise. With two big "powers" trying to share the responsibility and decision making of one country, they will soon find themselves at odds.

With the Obama administration in order, it would seem as if Medvedev has put aside all worries about the US intervention in Iran and there has been talk of the two countries working together to put an end to nuclear weapon plans in Iran. This comes as a surprise since they previously saw the US as overstepping bounds and out to get them. Maybe we've made a new friend, as long as we don't pull out the destructive toys just yet. It also makes me wonder whether or not Russia is hiding tons of weapons from the US and other countries. They have the land, actually lots of land since most of their country is undeveloped.

Breaking news on Russia/US relations and arms deal:

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